Final Fantasy XIII: Xbox 360


  • Still waiting for the game to be catastrophic  

    Final Fantasy XIII (video game)
    After Final Fantasy XII, I believed that the series had lost me. These language XIIs hideous Gambit system and are not good for me telling action. As then appeared the first information that I knew: "The game you have to get until it come cheap."
  • Too often disdained too rarely taken seriously.  

    Final Fantasy XIII (video game)
    What I had not heard in advance everything about this game! Far too linear it should be, too neumodisch and no longer Final Fantasy. And without making me deeper thought about it, I was doing exactly what does, in my view, most of the critics communi
  • It comes down to personal taste  

    Final Fantasy XIII (video game)
    I am also Final Fantasy fan from the start and have played every part so far. But Final Fantasy 13 I do not feel as bad, say how many other fans and the general opinion represent. In fact, Final Fantasy is a successful game. Whether it is a worthy "F
  • Final Fantasy XIII ... support the heavy burden of an epic series  

    Final Fantasy XIII (video game)
    Final Fantasy XIII provides certainly a lot of discussion, because it is here --- you have to say unfortunately --- less to a Final Fantasy game acts as a rather normal, albeit good RPG. And before I start the review I would like to clarify two thing