Funny-Frisch Stixi 5-pack (5 x 175g)


  • Simply the best in taste  

    Funny-Frisch Stixi 5-pack (5 x 175g) (Misc.)
    There are simply the best in taste. You are Resch, crisp and somehow as a wonderful roasting or baking aroma. I brought my father to try what, this is totally Salzstangen addicted, and he would even still have that. There is this to buy not going any
  • Sin can be sooooo schööön  

    Funny-Frisch Stixi 5-pack (5 x 175g) (Misc.)
    Wonderfully crisp and delicious. Esse sometimes less aware of the evening, so I can strike right at this Dinger. Since I arrest the same half a pack at a time! Because they are low-fat I can take it Best ..... also middle of the night!