Glass ball massively handpolished 10cm photographer quality


  • Fotografepqualität  

    Glass ball massively handpolished 10cm photographer quality
    For the advertised "photo quality" this glass sphere has too many streaks and Luftbläßchen. Use them now rather than decoration because as an art object and would NOT buy again.
  • Perfectly and perfect! Am thrilled!  

    Glass ball massively handpolished 10cm photographer quality
    The items I can highly recommend nue. The ball has absolute top quality photographers. No streaks, inclusions, bubbles or beauty mistake - internally flawless and perfect prismatic. The polish was very thoroughly done, so really unique good quality.
  • Gala Ball  

    Glass ball massively handpolished 10cm photographer quality
    the glass sphere to the be top - shipment or delivery - Colossal expensive - too expensive - have because of time pressure looked much longer - then got stupid seen that the delivery was almost more expensive than the entire ball has cost or 17, - -