GRUNDIG wireless doorbell doorbell doorbell bell clamp wireless LED light 80m range doorbell ringing Garden


  • defying ...  

    GRUNDIG wireless doorbell doorbell doorbell bell clamp wireless LED light 80m range doorbell ringing Garden (garden products)
    Wind and Wetterr. Is easy to assemble and tune in sync sound and function. Long-term outcome remains to be seen whether the extra cost at the discounted product has really paid off. If -ja-, then great!
  • Bell in order  

    GRUNDIG wireless doorbell doorbell doorbell bell clamp wireless LED light 80m range doorbell ringing Garden (garden products)
    The product is visually appealing and very well made. We have a receiver in the house and outside on the terrace - the bell works perfectly. Unfortunately, the bell has only 6 tones and not 36 as advertised. I have also complained about this and it s
  • Good bell, but fulfilled in any way my claim  

    GRUNDIG wireless doorbell doorbell doorbell bell clamp wireless LED light 80m range doorbell ringing Garden (garden products)
    The bell has not met my expectations. Oddly, this is touted here with 36 ringtones, but delivered a different with only 6 tones. My selling point for these were the 36 sounds. Can someone explain this difference ??? In addition is the fact that the b