HomeSpot® CarKit (CAR) Bluetooth transmitter with hands-free wireless audio streaming and Siri voice assistant activation key for car radio with 3.5mm Aux input


  • Cheap speakerphone with a few little quirks  

    HomeSpot® CarKit (CAR) Bluetooth transmitter with hands-free, wireless audio streaming and Siri voice assistant activation key for car radio with 3.5mm Aux input (Wireless Phone Accessory)
    Have the home spot Bluetooth Transmitter for some time now in use in my car and am very satisfied. # Positive + Easy installation + Simultaneous use by multiple phones possible + Wide range of accessories including Car Charger + Not overloaded with f
  • Why cost solutions in the dealership actually 10-100 times?  

    HomeSpot® CarKit (CAR) Bluetooth transmitter with hands-free, wireless audio streaming and Siri voice assistant activation key for car radio with 3.5mm Aux input (Wireless Phone Accessory)
    Have always read that it was BT audio worse than over cable. So either I have been what is wrong or I have misunderstood something. Unpack products connect and pair with mobile phone lasted 2 minutes and already ran the Audiobook with a deafening vol
  • Must Have ... !!!  

    HomeSpot® CarKit (CAR) Bluetooth transmitter with hands-free, wireless audio streaming and Siri voice assistant activation key for car radio with 3.5mm Aux input (Wireless Phone Accessory)
    Have some units tried ... and was often disappointed ... But hereby it will be different! Positives: - very small and compact, connections with iPhone 6 (in my case) without problems and also fully automatic, through the thin connecting cable it is p