Hoya HMC Neutral Density Filter 67mm NDX8


  • Very good quality! 101  

    Hoya HMC Graufilter NDX8 67mm (optional)
    I need the filter to my NEX 7 to make possible longer exposures in daylight. Since only 3 f-levels are possible with the NDX 8, have also bought me the NDX4 and now have far more opportunities out. Depending on the brightness and purpose of recording
  • Impeccable 116  

    Hoya HMC Graufilter NDX8 67mm (optional)
    Had so far only Hoya filters and since the price / line ratio was best here I ordered this. In Ulraub I have the filter for stronger contrast clouds and used for LZBs (main application). Bin to peace completely so far and the results were as expected