Idols stage T3: the rules of engagement


  • For fans of the first volumes  

    Idols Stadium, T3: the rules of engagement (Hardcover)
    This series features a top athlete (preferably excellent for the moment) with a sexy young woman who - in one way or another - does not want to engage with this kind of character. During the first three volumes we follow members of the Riley family (
  • And now the sister  

    Idols Stadium, T3: the rules of engagement (Hardcover)
    The lowest of the three in my opinion. Read for the future. naughty scenes are still there and the story is a bit nianian. but it is true that the other two were tellemen well.
  • better than the two previous volumes  

    Idols Stadium, T3: the rules of engagement (Hardcover)
    A pleasant reading without the fuss, a sweetly sizzling romance disappointment but no surprise either. This is a perfect play to take away on the beach even if the sport is operated here ice hockey. I thought leaving this saga after discovering three
  • Mixed, sensual and credible romance!  

    Idols Stadium, T3: the rules of engagement (Hardcover)
    This tome I expected because Jenna has character and I expected replicas of sacred and unforgettable scenes. At the end of my reading, I thought that's all and I remain mixed. Despite a beautiful and believable romance that evolves naturally, he miss
  • a romance more focused on the relationship that the other volumes  

    Idols Stadium, T3: the rules of engagement (Hardcover)
    Jenna Riley, the little sister of Mick and Gavin previous tomes, holds the family sports bar. There she meets Ty Anderson, hockey player whom we had met in Volume 2 with Liz. Ty falls in love with Jenna and with other players, becoming a regular at R