- Ikebukuro West Gate Park - Ira Ishida Anne Bayard Sakai - Books


  • Surveys in the country of the Rising Sun  

    Ikebukuro West Gate Park (Paperback)
    A new kind that comes from Japan! Simply awesome ... These young somewhat marginal but decided to turn back by helping others, it is simply innovative and addictive. It takes the game and we want more ...
  • How about going to a night out in Ikebukuro?  

    Ikebukuro West Gate Park (Paperback)
    This book, I delayed the opening but not because it did not interest me but because I did not have much time. Actually, I ordered this book after seeing the drama (Japanese television series) of the same name and this goes back quite some time alread
  • A masterpiece 18  

    Ikebukuro West Gate Park (Paperback)
    This book is actually a combination of four stories revolving around the suburbs Ikebukuro West Gate Park, the main character Makoto and gangs prevailing in this part of town. Different stories that could be likened to new but following a logical and
  • A different look on Japan  

    Ikebukuro West Gate Park (Paperback)
    It's a collection of stories which follow chronologically with a hero who shows us a different side of life in Japan. Makoto immerses us in gang stories, yakuza, and resolves business with notoriety in the community. I enjoyed this immersion in this