Jean Martinon: Decca Records 1951-1960 - Adam: Giselle; Tchaikovsky: Symphony Pathetique; Prokofiev: Symphonies No. 5 and No. 7; Offenbach: Overture; Lalo: Suites Namouna etc ...: Adam E. Lalo


  • A treasure chest  

    Jean Martinon: Decca Records 1951-1960 - Adam: Giselle; Tchaikovsky: Symphony Pathetique; Prokofiev: Symphonies No. 5 and No. 7; Offenbach: Overture; Lalo: Suites Namouna etc ... (CD)
    Before entrusting the microphones Emi and Erato its final readings Ravel, Debussy and Roussel were the three pillars of his repertoire, Jean Martinon (1910-1976) had already burned Decca in 1950 and 1960, a more revealing series of recordings of his