Jungle [VINYL]


  • Much indoors!  

    Jungle [Vinyl] (Vinyl)
    I was just totally insecure with the order and have the product 5 times in the cart in and then out again. After the first hearing is not bad, a lot better after the second and after the third: Man shooting the one in the limbs and the mind; but smoo
  • smooth Criminal  

    Jungle [Vinyl] (Vinyl)
    I noticed the band on positive when I 'Forza Horizon 2' played, there was the song 'The Heat' quasi in 'car radio'). Then enjoyed about Shazam Spotify and YouTube super cool videos. Now I hear the disc for 10 months and today I ordered the album on v
  • Summer Hits  

    Jungle [Vinyl] (Vinyl)
    Who still does not know imm Altweibersommer what he should nominate for summer hit in 2014, here is my suggestion: Jungle. On vinyl it sounds really amazing and easily. For me Oberhammer: "Busy earnin". But the other tracks are this catchy tune

    Jungle [Vinyl] (Vinyl)
    Where do you classify diesne sound? Relaxed earwigs no hit potential for the masses. Somewhere between Alt J and the BeeGees. Never stressful, never boring, always good and damn groovy! Each track like the whole album can be heard by class. For this