Karlie Flamingo 400723 aquarium gravel black 8L - 10 kg


  • Beautiful gravel, but not solid black  

    Karlie Flamingo 400723 aquarium gravel black 8L - 10 kg (Misc.)
    This is a very nice gravel. In the third cycle the water was clear with me, so that the gravel was the aquarium. However, I must add my voice to complain about and the previous speakers that will also lighter brown This can be found. But all in all i
  • Visually and sensually a very nice gravel  

    Karlie Flamingo 400723 aquarium gravel black 8L - 10 kg (Misc.)
    The Flamingo aquarium gravel exceeds my expectations smooth :-) Wednesday evenings ordered, delivered Friday and Saturday / today introduced into the aquarium. Very well packaged arrived 30kg / 24Liter the above gravel up at my doorstep - A clear adv