Kerbl 84435 Nagerhaus "4 Seasons" 127 x 66 x 110 cm


  • Goods arrived defective  

    Kerbl 84435 Nagerhaus "4 Seasons" 127 x 66 x 110 cm (Misc.)
    Here we have the same experiences made as my front speakers. Goods unpacked, diverse parts in a box broken (hinges broken, splintered wood ...) these damages are not on the transport back zuführen.die staircase had been missing. Amazon as always top.
  • Actually good - but you have to make the bill with the hare and the building market  

    Kerbl 84435 Nagerhaus "4 Seasons" 127 x 66 x 110 cm (Misc.)
    The barn is actually made of good quality, good design. However: The components are made of softwood, very fit and despite a poor assembly instructions (IKEA kanns better) with minimal technical skills to assemble quickly. However, anyone who believe