Körnerkissen - Neck Pillow - pillow Wellness - Wohlfühlkissen- Large Heat cushion with collar - filling purified wheat - color blue


  • Cools too quickly  

    Körnerkissen - Neck Pillow - pillow Wellness - Wohlfühlkissen- Large Heat cushion with collar - filling purified wheat - color blue
    The shape is great, exactly what you need. Unfortunately, the grains are too fast cold, in contrast to my previous pillow. It also takes longer in the microwave and you should to put a glass of water. However, this is almost impossible in our microwa
  • My Körnrer Neck Pillow  

    Körnerkissen - Neck Pillow - pillow Wellness - Wohlfühlkissen- Large Heat cushion with collar - filling purified wheat - color blue
    I only use my neck pillow every night watching TV on my sofa and anschliesend it comes to bed with me and I can only say, that of so does not have a great Körnerkissen, which is expected to quickly order one and it is me then verstehne I warumm am so
  • Körnerkissen  

    Körnerkissen - Neck Pillow - pillow Wellness - Wohlfühlkissen- Large Heat cushion with collar - filling purified wheat - color blue
    The item has my expectations completely. Such size of Körnerkissen I had not seen until now. I can really recommend.