Kosmos 699 604 - Ubongo Trigo - Mitbringspiel


  • Also suitable for younger kids ...  

    Kosmos - Ubongo - Mitbringspiel (Toys)
    We met by chance on this game ... Looking for an affordable alternative to the "big" Ubongo which still seemed old for our son nearly six years to be difficult, we came across the "Ubongo Trigo, a take-away version of the . "major"
  • Belongs in every games  

    Kosmos - Ubongo - Mitbringspiel (Toys)
    Having been had the classic Ubongo and it is played by all of 6-60 years, I searched for a variant. Yes it is a good option, but strangely at the adults have more difficulty than children. I would buy it again at any time. Look but ever after a furth
  • Ubungo  

    Kosmos - Ubongo - Mitbringspiel (Toys)
    gave away my grandchild the game. This is great Ubongo supporter - has been more of them. was played the same. Thanks
  • Ubongo more complicated  

    Kosmos - Ubongo - Mitbringspiel (Toys)
    Complicating / kniffiger. More challenge. More tension. Nice logic game. Who Ubongo Extreme is to become boring, this should be set as an increase here.