- Learn Programming in Python (2nd Edition) - Vincent Le Goff - Books


  • bookin python  

    Learn Programming in Python (2nd Edition) (Paperback)
    bookin a lot but some error in the program are provided as examples. 51.52 pg example is missing the "else" between the lines 7 and 8 for the program to work. I advise you to wait for a corrected edition before purchasing.
  • Managed to push through very advanced topics  

    Learn Programming in Python (2nd Edition) (Paperback)
    Python is a language that is easy to address, but it hides the very sophisticated aspects as metaclasses, decorators and more. The book of Vincent Le Goff is a wonder that manages to explain many aspects of this very esoteric language. He did not cla
  • Finally one comes out flat trails.  

    Learn Programming in Python (2nd Edition) (Paperback)
    I recommend this book because it clearly addresses the basics but mostly it ajar tracks to go further. These tracks are described briefly but regularly supplemented by other explicit links. Many specific details that shed light dù I also discover the