- Library Marvel 01 - The Avengers - The novel film - Marvel Natacha Godeau - Books


  • want to read  

    Marvel Library 01 - The Avengers - The romance of the film (Paperback)
    The green library is renewed. Certe surfing on a Hollywood film marketing. So it's not great literature we agree but it makes you want to read to little boys 8 years and that 's beautiful!
  • I recommend to give taste to reading  

    Marvel Library 01 - The Avengers - The romance of the film (Paperback)
    Offered to my nephew of 7 years who is a fan of all these superheroes. He was so happy he mostly had 4 once.
  • geniale 25  

    Marvel Library 01 - The Avengers - The romance of the film (Paperback)
    My son is a fan of marvel. It is easy to read and it's always reading even if it is not of great literature.
  • Too simple 1 1  

    Marvel Library 01 - The Avengers - The romance of the film (Paperback)
    In one hour the book is finished and the child remains on its end. Really too short for the thickness of the book.
  • superhero avanttttttttttttttttttttt  

    Marvel Library 01 - The Avengers - The romance of the film (Paperback)
    My 7 year old son dreamed of reading this story Father Christmas has fulfilled his vow he has eaten in 3 days writing is big enough not to strain the eyes of a child there are nice illustrations priori history adhesive at any point in the movie short
  • Although for the age of the child involved  

    Marvel Library 01 - The Avengers - The romance of the film (Paperback)
    A immediately liked! : Commentary child: It's like the movie! He devoured in no time !!! I recommend it.