- Love: Bouquet of roses playlist and new life! - Emmanuelle Lepetit Kecir-- Books


  • Bad ... 55  

    Love: Bouquet of Roses, playlist and new life! (Paperback)
    Book for teens, and it shows. Writing simple, recurring themes, no distance, and above this unpleasant feeling of not solve anything. It's "just" a description of a "reality" not always rosy, and reiterate that's just perpetuate. Is th
  • life lesson in rose water for teenagers ...  

    Love: Bouquet of Roses, playlist and new life! (Paperback)
    Frankly, in style, nothing transcendent! Admittedly, this is not supposed to be the great lttérature but here we are in a Harlequin Teen. Now, in terms of themes (parental divorce, moving, becoming independent, acquiring autonomy, camaraderie problem
  • Nothing original of  

    Love: Bouquet of Roses, playlist and new life! (Paperback)
    A book for teenage girls by teenage girls. This is well written, it is easy to read, but I found it seriously lacking in substance. If a teenager will certainly find landmarks: his life in high school, his emotions, his concerns, his friendships this
  • Simple but always catchy  

    Love: Bouquet of Roses, playlist and new life! (Paperback)
    I had not read the first book but my niece has lent me for me to be up to date before starting the Volume 2. I honestly think this was not necessary but I like to play in the order . In addition my niece was expecting only one thing ... have its Volu
  • We find the characters with pleasure  

    Love: Bouquet of Roses, playlist and new life! (Paperback)
    Personally, although having enjoyed reading the novel girls, I was fairly packed before reading on. For against my "pre teen reader" (almost 12 years) was delighted to find the heroines of the 1st saga. She told me that it was when they were the
  • very well in January 1183  

    Love: Bouquet of Roses, playlist and new life! (Paperback)
    Hello everyone love: bouquet of roses, playlist and new life! Emmanuelle Lepetit-Kecir Pauline history that goes moving in paris with AC sister and brother-in for their studies, she discovers her new life and new friends in her travels Pauline will s
  • a nice suite  

    Love: Bouquet of Roses, playlist and new life! (Paperback)
    This volume 2 is a sequel without surprise. The author always target the same audience, girls aged 14-15. The themes remain identical to the previous novel. This reading did not really passionate, this is not my novel style but I totally understand i