Matters of the Heart


  • Love rock and Tracy Chapman  

    Matters of the Heart (Audio CD)
    I have so far heard only classic and punk rock, but this woman has done to me honestly. Her voice ströhmt heat from, you knn the CD 23000 times hear and it is still not become boring. That does not happen often with me. I will definitely not give up
  • A little something to dream  

    Matters of the Heart (Audio CD)
    This CD in the car and drive through Norway .... At the latest when "I used to be a Sailor" it does not matter whether it's raining or the midnight sun is shining! My personal favorite among the Chapman albums.
  • Beautifully and honest  

    Matters of the Heart (Audio CD)
    Tracy Chapman has never needed much more than a microphone and a guitar, to inspire a. As a classic "singer / songwriter" it has long been an international star, even though they actually only had one big hit. Even on this album is "bang ba