Mauk 294 eccentric sander Compressed air 15 cm


  • Avoided 1 1  

    Mauk 294 eccentric sander Compressed air 15 cm (Tools & Accessories)
    Despite the announced 6 bar to make it work the latter refused to sand Unless you above what you need sanded But once in contact with the sanded surface it s stops I tried pushing the pressure up to 8 bars, but changes nothing
  • Gifts 78  

    Mauk 294 eccentric sander Compressed air 15 cm (Tools & Accessories)
    gift for my son making body on his car, it's convenient and malleable, lightweight and functional
  • operation 3  

    Mauk 294 eccentric sander Compressed air 15 cm (Tools & Accessories)
    little handyman, I wanted to know if we had a compressor to make it work, and if so what kind ????? THANKS of that I will have to try I'll tell you what I think
  • Really economical and efficient  

    Mauk 294 eccentric sander Compressed air 15 cm (Tools & Accessories)
    easy to use, effective and giving very good results, I recommend saving handymen who are close to their sub.