Mediaid Cross Lings / Spiral Cross Lings (acupuncture patches) type A (180 Pieces) The original incl. tweezers


  • Conveniently but not recommended.  

    Mediaid Cross Lings / Spiral Cross Lings (acupuncture patches) type A (180 Pieces) The original incl. tweezers (Personal Care)
    The Grid Tapes are cheap, but do not hold on the skin, go a very short time (maximum was 2 hours) again and leave on the skin stubborn adhesive residue.
  • Wow..wirkt really  

    Mediaid Cross Lings / Spiral Cross Lings (acupuncture patches) type A (180 Pieces) The original incl. tweezers (Personal Care)
    I was skeptical at first and I ordered it anyway. Did it then recognized and pulled over my skin and there where it settles, one should also be stuck, because as the pain point is flowing through. However, the forceps is not so good, because then you