Metallica: "St. Anger" for Guitar TAB: "St. Anger" for Guitar TAB


  • Super tablature for replay  

    Metallica: "St. Anger" for Guitar TAB: "St. Anger" for Guitar TAB (Paperback)
    The St. Anger album has fascinated me since its release. I like the fat guitar riffs, by deep-tuned guitars and the frequent doubles the riffs come about. Also that there are no solos in the album, makes a stimulus of the album for me. Interesting te

    Metallica: "St. Anger" for Guitar TAB: "St. Anger" for Guitar TAB (Paperback)
    Just awesome! Makes animal fun replay the songs! And unlike the other albums is easier with this album !! At least I think that! But the sound is just awesome! Absolutely brilliant! I can only recommend! this investment is worthwhile for all Metallic