- Neither suitcase or coffin - The Blackfeet remained in Algeria after independence - Pierre Daum - Books


  • A shared living by myself.  

    Neither suitcase or coffin - The Blackfoot remain in Algeria after independence (Paperback)
    I spent my childhood in Algeria and went back there with my husband (German) in the context of his profession for a major German steel company in the late 70s, late Boumedienne era. I find the comments of many witnesses of the book very watered about
  • historical truth  

    Neither suitcase or coffin - The Blackfoot remain in Algeria after independence (Paperback)
    the interest of this book is to shed light on nicknames "historical truths" conveyed by the collective unconscious and the people involved.
  • Tissue of lies  

    Neither suitcase or coffin - The Blackfoot remain in Algeria after independence (Paperback)
    This book is a tissue of lies. There are thousands of testimonials that prove otherwise. The hundreds of thousands of pieds noirs (French in Algeria) had no choice: it was "the suitcase or the coffin" contrary to the title of this book. A few ha
  • Biased book.  

    Neither suitcase or coffin - The Blackfoot remain in Algeria after independence (Paperback)
    This book has no historical value, since it relies on 15 testimonials ... It is the work of a committed jounaliste not a historian like Pervillé Stora, Jordi In April 1963 we went to home, because Ben Bella had Delare our vacant property that is a 3-