- Officials against the state: The great sabotage - Agnes Verdier-Molinié - Books


  • Finally courageous people ....  

    Officials against the state: The great sabotage (Paperback)
    Posted 4 times the file sent to CAF .... 3 times 3 visits folder for retirement .... every time, "lost file" .... honestly it looks "put in the trash." .. because the dunning letters, it occupies the staff !!! I know an officer who kni
  • Chilling!  

    Officials against the state: The great sabotage (Paperback)
    This critical test of the Director of the cold iFRAP me in the back and gave me a cold sweat when I read it. Why? Because the author describes it, in a hairline style and just the right details, malicious actions of some officials, often unionized. I