OPC Grape Seed Extract - The most powerful anti-oxidant in the world in high dosage. Super low (100 caps.)


  • OPC grape extract  

    OPC Grape Seed Extract - The most powerful anti-oxidant in the world in high dosage. Super low (100 caps.) (Health and Beauty)
    I am talking physically, too. Disadvantage a bit too expensive .Würde it weiterg.an friends u.Bekannt Greeting Helmut Krammer from Augsburg O
  • OPC pills versus apples  

    OPC Grape Seed Extract - The most powerful anti-oxidant in the world in high dosage. Super low (100 caps.) (Health and Beauty)
    This review does not apply to this product in the special (I would not call into question that this is a qualitatively perfect product), but the question of supplementation with OPC or the question how these health-giving polyphenol most effective an