Oriental Garden lamps Frane 42cm


  • very beautiful oriental lantern  

    Oriental Garden lamps Frane 42cm
    This lamp makes even what her in our living room. Delivery was prompt and without problems. If there was something to find fault, then the lantern could be opened very poor. It took some effort. We have not yet tried out the lamp. However, we hope fo
  • Oriental Garden lamps  

    Oriental Garden lamps Frane 42cm
    I like the lantern very well. Although it is really, as already mentioned, (jammed door, one leg is a little too short, makes no material quality impression) poorly finished, but I have put them in a place where you did not notice these shortcomings.
  • Nice shadow play  

    Oriental Garden lamps Frane 42cm
    The Publicity Still no mistake - the lantern really raises very beautiful patterns on the wall - but you have already mounted a very bright candle or a strong light bulb, because the case is so "tight" that hardly comes out light. The lantern so