POWRX® ankle weights 2 kg Foot + Hand weights * Adjustable *


  • Fun but dangerous  

    POWRX® ankle weights 2 kg Foot + adjustable hand weights * * (Misc.)
    I used the collars along with weights on the wrist when Kung Fu training. After the first session, the seam was torn on Velcro. Brought for repair to the shoemaker. And because I once was there, I immediately instructed him still nachzunähen all seam
  • Good overall picture :)  

    POWRX® ankle weights 2 kg Foot + adjustable hand weights * * (Misc.)
    Have these weights been over 1 week and properly the quality is the price anyway what more could you want. For the price is logical that they hold no 10years but as the processing looks I'll have the next few years my joy to train it.