- Practical of MySQL and PHP: Design and implementation of dynamic websites - Philippe Rigaux - Books


  • Certainly not for beginners  

    Practical of MySQL and PHP: Design and implementation of dynamic websites (Paperback)
    IT is certain that the author has great knowledge. However, the goal of a teacher is to pass a message and the author does not put within the reach of everyone, even someone with still a good grounding in programming. I regret many inaccuracies and l
  • Examples  

    Practical of MySQL and PHP: Design and implementation of dynamic websites (Paperback)
    This is a book for those who have a very good level in php.Je have not been able to use the database in the example site webscope (Mistake after mistake with phpmyadmin). If you are beginner therefore not worth it to buy it.
  • Very good work 1  

    Practical of MySQL and PHP: Design and implementation of dynamic websites (Paperback)
    Not necessarily suitable for people completions novices, but very good book that addresses significant elements of website development.
  • Powerful content ... Too powerful?  

    Practical of MySQL and PHP: Design and implementation of dynamic websites (Paperback)
    Indeed, the content of this book is impressive, if a bit confusing to the neophyte. The approach is gradual enough so that I can use it to develop scripts in very little time without knowing anything either in html or php. So thank you to the author,