- Prosperity without Growth: the transition to a sustainable economy - Tim Jackson - Books


  • A great saving treaty  

    Prosperity without Growth: the transition to a sustainable economy (Paperback)
    This clear book, well laid out, easy to read, without unnecessary jargon, illuminates the ins and outs of our contemporary economy and its workings. It gives prospects for a change towards a new greener and sustainable economy. Within hours you will
  • Title false, honest and informative content  

    Prosperity without Growth: the transition to a sustainable economy (Paperback)
    First paragraph of chapter 12: "The company faces a profound dilemma. Resist the growth returns to risk the economic and social collapse. Search permanently growth returns to endanger the ecosystems on which we depend for our long-term survival."
  • A classic! 24 1  

    Prosperity without Growth: the transition to a sustainable economy (Paperback)
    With the title "Prosperity without growth", we can say that Tim Jackson has put his foot in it! He opened a door in the debate on the link between economy and ecology, which has never been closed. Since this book, very clear and relatively easy
  • A must read! 98  

    Prosperity without Growth: the transition to a sustainable economy (Paperback)
    This book has many great merits: - First, that of democratizing the economy, this science often reserved for "elite" who think too often only able to understand and decide for all how to approach it; - Secondly, that of seriously question the im
  • Plea for a new green economy  

    Prosperity without Growth: the transition to a sustainable economy (Paperback)
    Our societies are dominated by economic growth. Whether real or that his absence worried the idea of ​​growth is the alpha and omega of the economic universe. And even if the focus would be on its negative consequences, including environmental, consi