- Resident of infinity (the) - 2nd edition Vol.30 - SAMURA Hiroaki - Books


  • A last volume halftone ...  

    Resident of infinity (the) - 2nd edition Vol.30 (Paperback)
    The rating is a bit harsh, but it's a set of things that, personally (and I emphasize the word), have bothered me and have not completely passed me the good time reading that I hoping for this conclusion. But first and foremost, this note is a penalt
  • a pearl !!! 11  

    Resident of infinity (the) - 2nd edition Vol.30 (Paperback)
    not a literary critic pair off I prefer not detailed because I do not would convince you. But frankly, from the first volumes I was captivated and I could not nose up before the last. Frankly a masterpiece. To give you an idea there is the animated v