Severin SA 2968 Multi-sandwich toaster with grill plates stainless steel brushed-black


  • The unit I rate overall than ok, good price / performance  

    Severin SA 2968 Multi-sandwich toaster with grill plates, stainless steel brushed-black (household goods)
    Let's start from the beginning: Sandwiches: work well, but not perfect. The sides are pushed pretty flat. However, the toast was always back darker than the front. Rear a very nice tan, front clearly brighter. I have the sandwiches not very full fill
  • Familiar Severin Quality.  

    Severin SA 2968 Multi-sandwich toaster with grill plates, stainless steel brushed-black (household goods)
    This is the revised version of the SA 2962. The main criticism was the SA 2962, the moderate performance of 700W. The SA 2968 heats the plates with 1000W and seems to be able to distribute them better. The design, however, is already borderline ugly.