- Sex Friends: Chloe and Alistair - Eva M. Bennett - Books


  • Disappointed ... 1220  

    Sex Friends: Chloe and Alistair (Paperback)
    Since she was a child, Chloe hears his mother tell him to always remain independent and never fall amoureuse.Alistair had the crush on her and will try to conquer while being "sex friends" do .nothing seems to stand in their way, it's a simple s
  • a beautiful reading but not surprised  

    Sex Friends: Chloe and Alistair (Paperback)
    Chloe is a young woman who goes to student e whenever possible his depressed mother in London during one of her trips she met Alistair handsome young billionaire CEO. It has many principles including the fact not to fall in love but mostly remain ind