Shirataki noodles konjac Probierpaket - 6 different varieties - Bio


  • a good alternative 2  

    Shirataki noodles konjac Probierpaket - 6 different varieties - Bio (Misc.)
    By chance, I became aware of Shirataki / konjac products on the internet and have just decided decided that time and try out for yourself this set suitable excellent since there are 6 different varieties here. The shipment was carried out quickly and
  • With pasta that has nothing to do  

    Shirataki noodles konjac Probierpaket - 6 different varieties - Bio (Misc.)
    I have received the "noodles" quickly, but was very surprised at the heavy package. I did not realize that these noodles are placed in a liquid. It does what it says, it takes the form of noodles and zero taste, but the liquid in which it is ins
  • Unpleasant smell and consistency  

    Shirataki noodles konjac Probierpaket - 6 different varieties - Bio (Misc.)
    Why I immediately bought the entire trial pack? Where just so? Before the fishy odor is already warned on the back of the pack and supposedly the bit with a flowing water away. Well. I do not know how many liters of water I wasted to rid the smell a
  • the alternative is good, but a matter of taste  

    Shirataki noodles konjac Probierpaket - 6 different varieties - Bio (Misc.)
    Have the noodles get very fast, I was curious to see how it schmeckt.hab firstonce tried the lasagna. Well. I do not know if I can get used to it. Since the leaves are inserted already in liquid they have the sauce barely accepted. When open they sme