- Snoopy - Integral - Volume 3 - Peanuts - Integral T3 (1955-1956) - Charles M Schulz Matt Groening - Books


  • Peanuts 1955-1956  

    Snoopy - Integral - Volume 3 - Peanuts - Integral T3 (1955-1956) (Album)
    The third volume of the must Snoopy and peanuts is punctuated with critical milestones: the first words of Linus, the first Charlie Brown's humiliation baseball and a hilarious series of imitations by Snoopy increasingly snoopynesques .. . Not to men

    Snoopy - Integral - Volume 3 - Peanuts - Integral T3 (1955-1956) (Album)
    I must have them all. I will buy a monthly basis all albums. I really like SNOOPY that cradled my youth.