Southern Rock Opera


  • Southern Rock  

    Southern Rock Opera (Audio CD)
    Great, varied record that can be heard over and over again. From quirky guitars to the ballad and more. Who like ZZ Top, also like this band. Recommended!
  • A forgotten musical treasure southern  

    Southern Rock Opera (Audio CD)
    There are still raising musical treasures. Even as a non-fan Südstaatrock me this album has almost bowled. Why does the German charts zero numbers such as "play of color" and consorts and a jewel cavort like this one, hardly anyone knows? So wat
  • Thank god for the DBT  

    Southern Rock Opera (Audio CD)
    The cover laugh, the band name is a joke, the title "Southern Rock Opera" a logical impossibility - to make a flop the Truckers have made every effort, this CD. As reasonably conceited Central Europeans expected country tooting, Redneckposen, Am