tesa flyscreen window standard quality anthracite transparent 1 x 1 1m 3m


  • Flying Ade  

    tesa mosquito nets for windows, standard quality anthracite, transparent, 1,1m x 1,3m (tool)
    What can you write about a great mosquito nets? Quite a lot, I would think! Advance should be mentioned: Shipping as always very fast and appropriate packaging. Here I have experienced significantly different. For the fly screen: Many people succumb
  • In itself well but weak adhesive  

    tesa mosquito nets for windows, standard quality anthracite, transparent, 1,1m x 1,3m (tool)
    Since me anew each year the mosquitoes and animals upset mainly by their bee-like hum I am finally decided to auche to buy in flyscreen. In general, the "installation" is extremely childish, is not much to understand except window frame with adh