- Thanos: The Infinity Revelation - Jim Starlin Andy Smith Frank D'Armata - Books


  • In line 1  

    Thanos: The Infinity Revelation (Hardcover)
    Saga Thanos short for forty years in the pages of a host of Marvel Comics: Iron Man, Warlock, Captain Marvel, The Avengers, Silver Surfer and so on. The character has evolved there, changed, gone through crises, while remaining itself, at least as it
  • Starlin Génialisssssime  

    Thanos: The Infinity Revelation (Hardcover)
    Book to advise all comics lovers. Written and designed by Jim Starlin always gifted ... A must!
  • Everything is relative. - Albert Einstein  

    Thanos: The Infinity Revelation (Hardcover)
    This volume contains a complete story, published in 2014, without prior serialization in the form of an album. The story was written and drawn by Jim Starlin (the creator of Thanos), inked by Andy Smith, with a color setting of Frank Armata, assisted