- The bond of blood Volume 2: Hope and disillusionment - Lola T - Books


  • Reversing 3  

    The blood tie Volume 2: Hope and disappointment (Paperback)
    This second volume is simply stunning. It does not leave you a minute respite. The action and the revelations keep coming at a breakneck pace. The author does not let us breathe and drives us every time in new torments, which very often put my nerves
  • A "vicious" rhythm, exciting plot where the author always has a step ahead of you!  

    The blood tie Volume 2: Hope and disappointment (Paperback)
    When one closes the book one gets the impression of having lived a real adventure or to be imaged down roller coaster. And I love the roller coaster !!! I really liked because even if it is darker than volume 1, there is a "hellish" rhythm that