The crazy mouse with voice playback - The plush mouse you speak everything gradually wriggles here


  • full of party fun  

    The crazy mouse with voice playback - The plush mouse you speak everything gradually wriggles here (Toys)
    we had a few days before seen such a "Plappertier" for the first time at a birthday party with friends and had the thing necessarily have. We have given it to an acquaintance came as Birthday and thought so great at. At first it was said that wh
  • Cute Toys  

    The crazy mouse with voice playback - The plush mouse you speak everything gradually wriggles here (Toys)
    We bought the mouse for our 2 and 3 year old grandson. The mouse is very cute. You have messed up also talk very slowly and not more than one person, otherwise you do not understand what it says. It's amazing what's the little thing by itself. But ge