The Hobbit - Desolation of Smaug: Dean O'Gorman Evangeline Lilly Christopher Lee Manu Bennett Elijah Wood Andy Serkis Graham McTavish Cate Blanchett Martin Freeman James Nesbitt Benedict Cumberbatch Cat Richard Armi Ian McKellen Lee Pace Aidan Turner


  • It takes its revenge, that the thin book was divided into 3 movies  

    The Hobbit - Desolation of Smaug (Blu-ray)
    I am a Lord of the Rings fan, and of course also know the Hobbit. But to film the book in 3 parts and then to make the films as well as the 2nd part-long, just is not funny anymore. 3D or not. 1 hour less would have done if you have already make 3 mo