- The investigations of M. de Mortagne executioner Volume 1: The blaze of Justice - Andrea H. Japp - Books


  • lot 518  

    The investigations of M. de Mortagne, executioner, Volume 1: The blaze of Justice (Paperback)
    A pleasant enough and very informative book on the Middle Ages. The story is a bit disappointing in the end unfortunately.
  • The investigations of M. de Mortagne  

    The investigations of M. de Mortagne, executioner, Volume 1: The blaze of Justice (Paperback)
    The medieval world is extremely documented and described, the hero discovers the executioner business. together form a captivating survey, eventful. In a word, it's exciting.
  • exciting! 99  

    The investigations of M. de Mortagne, executioner, Volume 1: The blaze of Justice (Paperback)
    Historical thriller In the fourteenth century Perche, Mortagne Mr King's executioner performs its function without qualms. Until he discovers he has executed a young woman victim of a judicial error. This revelation will change her life and will chal
  • impatience  

    The investigations of M. de Mortagne, executioner, Volume 1: The blaze of Justice (Paperback)
    Very good in his book categorize. the story is compelling, well written and changes the atmosphere in time, which changes a little classic thrillers ..... with a fantastic drop which provides additional interest. Roll on next tome !!!!!!!!!!
  • The pleasant discovery!  

    The investigations of M. de Mortagne, executioner, Volume 1: The blaze of Justice (Paperback)
    I discovered the author there is little and find it quite exciting. So I devoured every copy of the 3 series on the fourteenth that I could find. Strong characters, colorful and engaging (even the executioner raises some sympathy) make even more intr