- The killers of the Republic - Vincent Nouzille - Books


  • The Killers of the Republic  

    The killers of the Republic (Paperback)
    Or how our democracy endorse or financially maintains a group of assassins hirelings. Exciting as a thriller DOA.
  • Read watching if we follow you  

    The killers of the Republic (Paperback)
    Congratulations! From Vincent Nouzille, that says it all. We discover that the president has the right to (do) kill and his use. Francois Hollande appears there in a less "Flamby". Let us be thankful: our head of state let the interviewer alive.
  • direct action  

    The killers of the Republic (Paperback)
    The ribs and highly confidential secrets of men in the shadows whose job is to eliminate the enemies of France (remember the words of the song of the start of the French Revolution, that of 1789, "Death to the enemies of France ". Here we are an
  • Geopolitics  

    The killers of the Republic (Paperback)
    Excellent book that shows the underside of the Republic and motivations intervention services. He reads with ease and can be placed in the hands of all novices because of its clarity.
  • Fine, but we could have gone further in the development of actions.  

    The killers of the Republic (Paperback)
    The content of the texts is a bit disappointing, the author does not develop enough information it gives. It is a work that hovers over the story, like many others on the same theme.
  • Remarkable! 10  

    The killers of the Republic (Paperback)
    Excellent investigative survey, searched, perfectly constructed and written, the beautiful work that deserves to be s "plunges it. The author opens this taboo subject and few processed, bravo!
  • Remarkable and courageous Survey  

    The killers of the Republic (Paperback)
    This is a book I devoured. We recognize the rigor of the investigative approach of Vincent Nouzille. A complex subject but made accessible thanks to the style and many testimonies (who have not been easy to collect!). Bravo
  • An exciting journey down the corridors of the French secret services  

    The killers of the Republic (Paperback)
    so that an investigation breathless thriller, yet "the killers of the republic" are not within the fiction. Vincent Nouzille reveals a hidden side of the secret services. It's exciting and obviously well documented. This book illuminates some ep