Transmission box MONSTER Loom Kit Max bracelet - Loom Elastics + 600 + Hook + clip + S 388kidi visual instructions in French - 100% compatible rainbow loom Loom Cra-Z-kits and other loom - LOOM-Monst


  • 1 box loom  

    Transmission box Loom Kit for MONSTER Max bracelet - Loom Elastics + 600 + Hook + clip + S 388kidi visual instructions in French - 100% compatible rainbow loom, Cra-Z-kits and other loom Loom - LOOM-Monst (Toy)
    I am not satisfied mounting the loom can not be mounted or missing pieces or record does not explain much. children arrive faster to understand that we adults to ride it, but then I doubt anyone there something comprznne