Trixie 3940 telescopic ramp 43 × 100-180 cm 5 8 kg gray


  • Not all dogs like ramps  

    Trixie 3940 telescopic ramp, 43 × 100-180 cm, 5.8 kg gray (Misc.)
    Bought in July 2011. The product itself is very good. Handy and reasonable process. It can be easily moved by not so "strong" people and are held up. But what good are all these plus points if the dog, an 8 year old 60 kg Bernese Senne dog does
  • Class Dog Ramp  

    Trixie 3940 telescopic ramp, 43 × 100-180 cm, 5.8 kg gray (Misc.)
    After a little jazzed with Gouda conviction action our law dog (dog my in-laws) adopted the ramp. Meanwhile, he makes no more stations without having to get out of the car. Really great that thing.