U.Auer Swiss Red AU-TO-611-WRL Herrenchronograph SWISS ISA


  • Very cheap, good Quartz Chronograph  

    U.Auer Swiss Red AU-TO-611-WRL Herrenchronograph SWISS ISA (clock)
    It was a model variant with a better caliber (Ronda 5130.D) delivered its components obviously manufactured in Switzerland, for cost reasons, as well as housing tape, etc. in Asia are mounted. A very nice clock with sapphire crystal (!) And folding c
  • Pretty Chronograph from Switzerland  

    U.Auer Swiss Red AU-TO-611-WRL Herrenchronograph SWISS ISA (clock)
    I did not have to think twice whether I should buy this clock. But now that I hold them in their hands, I am of the clock thrilled! The clock has absolutely met my expectations! Compliant By design, the clock also carries very comfortably on your wri