Vanity Balance High Precision Digital Smart Weigh DVS250 with Platform Extralarge technology "Step-on" and LCD


  • Finally, a balance that works!  

    Vanity Balance High Precision Digital Smart Weigh DVS250 with Extralarge Platform technology "Step-on" and LCD (Miscellaneous)
    I was looking for a precise balance without memory and does not change weight to every turn. Better yet, give me balance my old 300 gr 500 gr more than this and I had to go down and back repeatedly to it stabilized at an acceptable weight compared to
  • Very accurate, very reliable and good aesthetics  

    Vanity Balance High Precision Digital Smart Weigh DVS250 with Extralarge Platform technology "Step-on" and LCD (Miscellaneous)
    A modern and refined design to weigh ease. This balance is made of tempered glass with a black outline on three sides and a smooth metallic trim on both sides. Your floor will show through the transparent part, ensuring that the balance fits into any