- Victoria Bergman Faces Volume 3: Catharsis - Erik Sund Axl Rémi Cassaigne - Books


  • Black books on trauma. exciting  

    Faces of Victoria Bergman, Volume 3: Catharsis (Paperback)
    Is a police officer or an essay on the psychological damage caused by childhood trauma? These three volumes explain in detail the consequences of malicious acts done on children. For me, these books go beyond simple police book. The horrors inflicted
  • Yes ... 265  

    Faces of Victoria Bergman, Volume 3: Catharsis (Paperback)
    No, we should not expect the equivalent of "Millennium" as might have us believe the 3 volumes and publisher. A pretty good thriller, it does not sulk his pleasure, but the characters lack thick, we regret not much attached to it, and the style