Walser 14954 Car Mats Floor Mats Metallic 4 -part set red


  • Chic design, lots of shine and beautiful bright color, but ...  

    Walser 14954 Car Mats Floor Mats Metallic 4 -part Set, red (Automotive)
    ... Unfortunately they have only one winter kept because the red only a thin layer on a colorless base. So not recommended with high heel shoes, where now my right heel sat up decorated with a larger white spot the mat, where then also beautiful coll
  • Excellent! Looks great! Easy to clean!  

    Walser 14954 Car Mats Floor Mats Metallic 4 -part Set, red (Automotive)
    Red, shiny floor mats, which are easy to clean. Trefferversenkt! Ka which here has many other, but my floor mats smell neither unpleasant nor lose their color (zumind. So far). Have they been cleaned once in a mat cleaner, (with as brushes and water)