- War Zone - Dan Abnett Julien Drouet - Books


  • Warzone is a good little military SF novel ..  

    War Zone (Paperback)
    Warzone is a good little military SF novel done well to satisfactory reading. The universe of the novel is politically diversified enough, two political blocs, agencies and all-powerful consortium and prioritized with contradictory interests or encor
  • Excellent 259 50 136 3087  

    War Zone (Paperback)
    Finally an SF thriller not mired in a pseudo-scientific vocabulary. great enigma, and men are men. bravo!
  • Dan Abnett, a great author!  

    War Zone (Paperback)
    I have known the author through the novels from the Warhammer board game and I found that it has a certain talent in the futuristic universe particularly in the description of urban fighting that provides an atmosphere and a total immersion in the ba
  • a great warrior adventure  

    War Zone (Paperback)
    The colony 86 is a world lost in space. Lex Falk, fresh off war reporter, trying to find a scoop able to revive his career. He decided to experiment with a new technology that allows it to be directly connected to the brain of a soldier on the front