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Testimonials from beyond

The ghosts of the afterlife in the Tibetan World (Paperback)

Customer Review

The reader who would read The Tibetan Book Of The Dead in the translation of Kazi Dawa Samdup Lama would certainly intrigued by the detailed description quon there is different stages during the 49 days of the trip in the afterlife; chikhai during bardo where the mind is confronted with a light that is the projection of his own spiritual nature, while Chonyid bardo where the deceased is confronted with a choice between two brightness levels respectively representing the share of light and share in Dombre every individual, and during SIDPA Bardo the deceased acquires a mental body; and finally reincarnation. From where do these stories? Tibetan literature is replete with accounts of voyages made in the afterlife by "dead." Lorsquils return, by will or by accident, after about 40 days after clinical death, these ghosts tell their experiences. As part of his doctoral thesis on the ghosts of the afterlife in the Tibetan world, and lethnologue Tibetologist Françoise Pommaret met them in Bhutan. In this 1989 edition of The das log, "ghosts of death" in the Tibetan world: literary sources and living tradition (there is a more recent reissue in 2009) which earned him the Delalande-Guérineau price of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-lettres, it presents these "ghosts" that would probably shamans who signorent.