Every beginning is awesome

Every beginning is awesome

Life is cruel (Audio CD)

Customer Review

While the most audacious German Boys' Choir are currently unfortunately disappeared again into oblivion - their first album remains a landmark German pop culture. Funny German lyrics with really sophisticated choral singing - as far as the musical principle of princes. And really rarely laughed so much: Be it the verbal settlement with all car fetishists ("My Bike"), or biting ironic look at the animal kingdom ("The Birds"). Despite all Spotts, understand the Berliner - a thoughtful vote: Rarely has there been such a funny song about a failed relationship crate as "life is cruel" and someone tell yet, it does not gimge talk at his heart when Gabi and Klaus so completely together ! Although I have not heard the CD for some time, I can still memorize all the lyrics because the eingengigen rhymes and melodies captivate a simply.
So guys, which is a follow-up album, with her starts here: about "kissing forbidden" I was almost a little disappointed. The Esprit your first album was just too compelling ..... Works turn again! (This is an Amazon.com at the university-student review.)

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